Our Goals

The primary objectives of this SIG include:

Providing a supportive network: The SIG will serve as a forum for parents and educators to connect, share experiences, and offer support to one another. By establishing this network, we can create a sense of community, reducing feelings of isolation and offering emotional encouragement.

Sharing best practices and resources: The SIG will facilitate the exchange of successful strategies, practical tools, and resources among parents. This would include discussions on effective communication with schools, advocating for appropriate educational opportunities, and addressing the socio-emotional needs of high ability children.

Promoting awareness and education: The SIG will contribute to raising awareness about the unique characteristics, needs, and challenges of high ability children. By organizing webinars, workshops, and conferences, we can disseminate knowledge and equip parents with the information and skills necessary to support their children effectively.

Collaboration with professionals and policymakers: The SIG will actively seek partnerships with professionals, universities, researchers, and policymakers in the field of gifted education. By engaging in meaningful dialogues and collaborations, we can influence policies and promote effective practices that benefit high ability children and their families.

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